Red Rooster Weather Vane

$335.00$390.00 inc GST

Red Rooster Weather Vane. In the ninth century Pope Nicholas made the rooster official. His decree was that all churches must display a rooster on their steeples or domes as a symbol of Peter’s betrayal of Jesus.


Red Rooster Weather Vane. A perfect addition to the home of anyone who owns, or loves roosters and  Chickens. From the pouted chest to the tip of the tail the classic rooster weathervane looks great on any home. :

This is the ideal present for someone that you know who wants to add that special something to their home. Perhaps even treat yourself.

Made of Stainless Steel, the Red Rooster Weathervane will give years and years of enjoyment and service.

It’s Red, it’s Bold, it’s Noticeable, and best of all, it Works.


One of our customers used the rooster weathervane to compliment a real chook house. Check out Linda Beaumont’s custom designed chook house here.

How It Works

The arrow and the rooster figure are red and revolve on a ball bearing over a Stainless Steel shaft. Well balanced and proportionally correct these Australian made weathervanes from Glenview Products actually work.

The Red RoosterWeather Vane is powder coated. Red is the colour of choice.


  • The height of the Red Rooster is 305mm. The width from beak to tail is 245mm.
  • Length of the Arrow 670mm.
  • The Directionals are 590mm across.
  • The overall height with the ridge bracket is 735mm.
  • With the gable bracket it is 935mm


If you would like to order a fixing bracket to suit the Red Rooster Weather Vane, please select from the product options above.

Fixing brackets ordered with an Aussie Weathervane will not incur any additional delivery charges.

Which one to use ?

The Stainless Steel Mounting Plate is laser cut and can be bent to the pitch of the roof. The Ridge bracket sits on top of the ridge line of a metal roof.

The Stainless Steel Gable Bracket is available for attaching the Red Rooster Weather Vane to the gable face of  tile and metal roofs.

The Gable Bracket shaft is 500mm long. Why ?  The gable bracket extends down the front of the gable. As a result of this, the shaft is longer than the shaft normally used for positions on top of the roof.


Purchasing the suitable bracket makes installation easy and enjoyable

Stainless Steel Mounting Plate

Gable bracket for Red Rooster Weather Vane

Gable Bracket for Red Rooster Weather Vane

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 76 × 52 × 7.5 cm
Weathervane Accessories

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