Greetings Mark, Greetings Christine,

                                                          what a wonderful surprise. The setting is absolutely perfect. The pedestal looks like it has grown there. I don’t think I have seen a better placement of an Equatorial sun Dial than this. Well done!!!  With your permission I would like to use these pictures on my website if that is alright with you. It really transforms the scene. The neighbours are going to have to lift their game if they want to compete with this. I am pleased that your idea has worked out so perfectly.
               Robert Neander.

Hello Robert,

                      Yes, it looks good. Of course you can use it on your website.

Testimonial: Back Rooster Weathervane Caringbah NSW

Hi Robert

The Kookaburra weathervane is attached to a cubby house roof located in our suburban backyard in Perth. Beyond the back fence is a grassed lane way with a stand of Tuart tree’s that provide a sanctuary for migratory birds.

The newly installed weathervane captured the attention of this interested observer for sometime one recent late afternoon.

Thanks again

Rob Chandler

kookaburra weathervane perth

By |2021-06-13T10:03:34+10:00November 10th, 2014|Brass Equatorial Star Sundial, Weathervanes|Comments Off on Testimonial: Back Rooster Weathervane Caringbah NSW

Testimonial Sun Dial

Hi Robert,

I have attached a couple of photos of the sundial now that it has a pedestal for display.  It looks fantastic and well worth the wait! Feel free to use them on your website if you would like to.

Kind regards,
Sun Dial on Pedestal
Sun Dial on Pedestal
By |2021-06-13T10:03:34+10:00August 25th, 2012|Brass Equatorial Star Sundial, Sun Dials|Comments Off on Testimonial Sun Dial

Testimonial Rain MMax Rain Gauge (1) from Glenview Products

Rob and Carol’s Rain MMax Rain Gauge mounted on pool fence. Easy to Read, Easy to Use and Easy to Install.

By |2021-06-13T10:03:34+10:00April 17th, 2012|Brass Equatorial Star Sundial, Rain Gauges|Comments Off on Testimonial Rain MMax Rain Gauge (1) from Glenview Products

Testimonial Kookaburra Weather Vane Warramunda Village


Thank you for the beautiful kookaburra weathervane. It complements our facility and gardens so well that it looks like that it has been there for years.
We held an unveiling ceremony yesterday with our Residents and it was the talking point for the rest of the day.
Please find attached a photo of the weathervane which we have placed in a rose garden at the front of our facility for all Residents and visitors to admire.
Thanks once again for your all your assistance and supplying such a lovely piece of artwork.


Janet De Girolamo

Weathervane at Warramunda Village Kyabram



By |2021-06-13T10:03:34+10:00April 15th, 2012|Brass Equatorial Star Sundial, Weathervanes|Comments Off on Testimonial Kookaburra Weather Vane Warramunda Village

Testimonial: Rooster Weathervane John Maselos

John Has put a  lot of hard work into his shed and wanted to finish it off and so he “Crowned it” with a large copper and brass Rooster Weathervane (which has been pre aged). It certainly sets it off and because of the sheds prominence it can be seen from many directions. John is pretty chuffed with the result as he should be. Well done John.

By |2021-06-13T10:03:35+10:00January 31st, 2012|Brass Equatorial Star Sundial, Weathervanes|Comments Off on Testimonial: Rooster Weathervane John Maselos

Testimonial: Kookaburra Weathervane Perth

Hi Robert

The Kookaburra weathervane is attached to a cubby house roof located in our suburban backyard in Perth. Beyond the back fence is a grassed lane way with a stand of Tuart tree’s that provide a sancturary for migratory birds.

The newly installed weathervane captured the attention of this interested observer for sometime one recent late afternoon.

Thanks again

Rob Chandler

kookaburra weathervane perth

By |2021-06-13T10:03:35+10:00December 28th, 2011|Brass Equatorial Star Sundial, Weathervanes|Comments Off on Testimonial: Kookaburra Weathervane Perth

Testimonial: Equatorial Sun Dial At Demassi Flowers

Equatorial Sun Dial. Here is how Anthony Demassi of Horsely Park set up the extra Large sized Equatorial Sun Dial. What a great result He has made a real feature of it mounted on a substantial plinth and shown to advantage on a sea of crushed Pebbles. The result is a real talking point and feature of his terrific garden. Anthony runs Demassi Flowers and is obviously in tune with setting up garden ornaments and features. We like your work!!!

Demassi Flowers2

By |2021-06-13T10:03:36+10:00January 21st, 2011|Brass Equatorial Star Sundial, Sun Dials|Comments Off on Testimonial: Equatorial Sun Dial At Demassi Flowers

Testimonial: Zodiac Sun Dial

Here is how Doug Kohlhoff of North Arm Cove NSW positioned his Polished Brass Zodiac Sun Dial. A really Brilliant result.

Hi Robert

Thanks for your time Saturday afternoon

Have some piccies here for you to select from use as you wish.
The landscaping is as yet incomplete but the sundial looks good in situ.


Zodiac Sundial
Zodiac Sun Dial
Zodiac Sun Dial

By |2021-06-13T10:03:36+10:00December 4th, 2010|Brass Equatorial Star Sundial, Sun Dials|Comments Off on Testimonial: Zodiac Sun Dial
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